Battle of Ideas & Cultural Workers - Hood Communist

We own none of the means of cultural production and largely do not benefit from the capitalist exploitation of culture. These critical questions about the nature and purpose of culture in our society can perhaps help us identify and differentiate the instances of genuine cultural expression, something that comes from the masses of working and oppressed peoples, and the co-opted cultural performances that serve the interests of milky white capitalist and imperialist agendas.

Understanding bodily autonomy through triple oppression

The concepts of self-determination sovereignty extend far beyond the individual empowerment of self-advocacy, and encompass collective liberation and self-determination. Claudia Jones’ work emphasizes the interconnectedness of struggles and the importance of sovereignty for Black women, which requires building collective power and creating liberated spaces where colonized communities can exercise autonomy and self-governance.

Imperialist Media Weaponizes 'Nuance' to Obscure the Blockade - Hood Communist

Compared to the reactionary and oppressive landscape of TLGBQ+ struggles, rights, and healthcare in the U.S., the small island just 90 miles from the Florida coast, Cuba, has a national Family Code and a set of fierce national laws that prohibit all forms of discrimination based on sexual orientation and gender identity, including the right of all people to form a family recognized by the state. Moreover, gender affirming care, which includes things like hormone replacement therapy (HRT), gender...

Lessons From Safiya Bukhari: Islam and Revolution are Complementary

Bukhari’s autobiography, “The War Before,” chronicles her journey as a revolutionary, and has become an important resource for those interested in exploring the intersection of revolutionary activism, dedicated organizing, and principled struggle. Moreover, the book is incredibly introspective and personal, with constant reflections on her Islamic faith, her deteriorating health, and the very physical and mental personal tolls that dedicating her life to struggle took on her body.

African Power & Politics In Cuba’s La Marina Neighborhood

In that moment, I understood the struggles of La Marina and Black Cubans to be radically different from our struggle in the US, yet still deeply connected as examples of what to strive for. There, they are guaranteed basic rights within a system that grants them all equal opportunity. But that means that “it’s up to us, Black people, to continue the revolution within the revolution,” Kimbo told me.

HBO's DMZ Fails to Invent a Truly Revolutionary Society

In the center of downtown Atlanta, footsteps from the city’s busiest business district is the site of one of its most popular blocks for film production, and also a tent city. In July 2021, Atlanta police forcibly removed members of the Atlanta Homeless Union from the area to make way for the production of the new HBO Max dystopian miniseries DMZ. It was an on-the-nose moment — removing unhoused activists to film fictional activist characters, revealing once again that capitalist media productions centered on ​“radical” politics are just empty representation. DMZ is a prime project for promoting political inaction, confusion and propaganda.

James Baldwin’s Enduring Relevance To Atlanta

In 1979 Walter Lowe, Jr, the first Black editor at Playboy, called his literary hero James Baldwin in France to convince him to cover something that had began to capture the American public’s attention: the Atlanta Child Murders. As the story goes, Baldwin was a bit familiar with the situation brewing in Atlanta, but from all the way in France was unable to fully understand what was taking place, and did not agree to take the assignment until he learned that the Playboy editor on the phone with him was indeed a Black man.

Why Remembering ATL's Native American History Is So Important

The area that would eventually become the Atlanta we know and love, situated beside the Chattahoochee River, was originally inhabited by the Creek and Cherokee Native tribes. The space where Peachtree Creek — one of Atlanta’s major tributaries — flows into the Chattahoochee was originally a Native village named Pakanahuili, a Creek word meaning “Standing Peach Tree.” This Native village, a center of trading, culture, and harvest for the inhabitants, is responsible for the “Peachtree” street name.

Killer Mike, T.I. and Atlanta's Black Misleadership Class

The entire spectacle was a mishmash of scolding, empty political sloganeering, tone-deaf pleads for “peace” in response to systemic state violence, and the treachery of the Black misleadership class. In his 2018 article, Black Agenda Report executive editor Glen Ford defines this class as both an “actual and aspirational class of political forces” readily prepared to “sell out the interests of the overwhelmingly working class Black masses” for the sake of capitalist, corporate, or imperialist interests.

Street Medics See Cuba As A Model For COVID-19 Response In Vulnerable Communities

Prevention is key to the successes of Cuba’s free and universal healthcare system, which is a direct result of the revolution’s progress. Some of their health achievements include one of the highest doctor-patient ratios in the world, a higher life expectancy rate than the U.S. and many so-called developed nations, accessible clinics in almost every neighborhood throughout the island, and the development of several successful vaccines and treatments.

In Cuba’s health care system, the profit motive is largely nonexistent, which many experts suggest is a key factor in the country’s incredible achievements. It is highly common for medical workers like Cabrera to make dozens of house visits a day, with rural communities and people outside of major cities or in poorer neighborhoods receiving regular care.

If you think calling Kamala Harris a cop was racist, you need to talk to black feminists

To be certain, Kamala Harris faces obstacles of oppression and perception as a black woman; few would argue against this. At the same time, however — to put it into her own words — Kamala is California’s “top cop.”

As the 32nd Attorney General of California, Harris was both a chief legal advisor to the state government and its chief law officer, with responsibilities including leading the California Department of Justice, enforcing state laws, supporting local law enforcement, overseeing law enforcement agencies, and even assisting as the chief legal counsel in state litigation cases. In short, a person in her position may be the most “cop-like” a person can be.
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